Writing  the way forward: speculative fiction and inclusion

There are a lot of ways to look at storytelling, but one of the crucial ways to look at it, in my view, is by who it includes. I think this is true of any genre, but since I write speculative fiction, that’s how I’m going to consider it here.

Some very talented writers have addressed this already. If you haven’t read what they have had to say, I’d highly recommend you read:

Daniel José Older: 12 Fundamentals of Writing “The Other”

N.K. Jemisin on Why I Think RaceFail Was The Bestest Thing Evar for SFF and more recently Your groundbreaking is not my groundbreaking

Malinda Lo: On Self-Rejection and Writing From a Marginalized Perspective

Derek Newman-Stille on SFF fandom, ableism and homophobia and transphobia: My Cane is Not a Costume, and an interview with Kathryn Allan on disability in science fiction

These are just a few of the people writing on these issues.

Long Hidden cover, table of contents revealed

LH-cover-onlytitleandeditorsI was already thrilled to have a story in the upcoming Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, because I think the concept and motivation behind an anthology that celebrates people who were marginalized in their time and place, and puts them at the centre of the story, is fantastic. (And working and corresponding with the editors Rose Fox and Daniel José Older, and Crossed Genres Publications, has been awesome.)

But now I am even more keen to read and see the finished product, since the beautiful cover (above) by Julie Dillon was revealed.