Monster mashup: Teen Wolf vs. The Lost Boys

“What the? You mean they actually released this movie, just when I’m in a really good movie this summer? Gah!”

There were plenty of cheesy movies made in the ’80s, but some of them still hold their charm.  It seems strange today, when the likes of Twilight rule at the bookstores and in movie theatres, but back then the whole teen-monster meme was a long way off.

But two movies stand out, even if they don’t necessarily stand up today: Teen Wolf and The Lost Boys.

For the well-dressed monster geek

Sometimes you need the right apparel for when you're on an express elevator to hell, going down... or if you just don't like the cornbread, either.

It could be said I have an overabundance of t-shirts. This despite the fact I routinely purge them every five to ten years. All those heavy-metal concert shirts from the ’80s? Gone. All my theatre shirts from the ’90s? Gone. Well, hm, wait, a stash of them has been discovered in an old dresser at the lake. Do I toss them out? What a sartorial dilemma. I only have one torso…